“Identity Theft is NOT a Joke Jim”

Baylee Stovall
3 min readJun 28, 2020
  • How do you describe the feeling of Imposter Syndrome? When does it affect you the most? Why?

Imposter syndrome is that feeling most of us know all too well. That feeling that no matter the amount of success you achieve, it’s never good enough for yourself. Your feelings of self-doubt overrides any feeling of success you could ever feel no matter how hard you’ve worked or how much proof of your success is out that in the world. I commonly feel this way in my work life because I don’t have a degree. Despite the fact that it’s not necessary for me to be successful in my field and so far no one important to me has ever looked down on me for it, it’s always a nagging feeling in the back of my brain, so I constantly feel a need to push myself harder and do better to prove myself. Even when I receive praise for my work I always think it’s not good enough.

  • What have you learned about the tech world that you are happy to know?

I’ve learned that the tech world is full of some of the most creative minds from all walks of life. I’ve a community of people who push each other and themselves to create a better world and unleash their imagination in the community. It’s just been a positive experience so far which is what I’ve been missing in a professional community for so long.

  • Why is the way we talk to ourselves in our inner mind so important? What effect can it have on our well-being?

Words always hurt, and what can cause the most damage is the words you say to yourself. There’s no one who you listen to the most than you, it’s constant and you can never shut it off. We need to speak in a way that’s nurturing and loving to ourselves, because no one in this world will love you like you do.

  • What about this course is challenging you the most? How do you think you are growing through it?

I think the most challenging part of this course for me is just the amount of information being received in such a short time. Being given all the information beforehand so we can actually work on the project during class time has also thrown me for major loop after growing up in a conventional public school, but it’s allowed me to learn in my own time, in my own way, and have fun in a learning setting again.

  • How has podcast listening influenced the way you think?

Podcast listening has allowed me to listen to multiple ways of thinking on one subject and work through them all and see how someone else get’s from point A to point B. It’s enhanced my critical thinking skills and gives me “more tools in my toolbox” so to say.

  • What has your spare time looked like in-comparison to what it looked like a year ago?

My spare time has changed quite a bit. It’s looking like a lot less Netflix and Chill and a lot more Youtube and Coding Practice.

Austin Coding Academy @LubbockCodingAcademy



Baylee Stovall

Current digital artist, nail technician, and makeup artist getting her foot into the door of web development.