New Year, New Me, New Knowledge

Baylee Stovall
3 min readMay 19, 2020

Hi! My name is Baylee Stovall and I’m a person who LOVES to create. I sketch, paint, create digital art, and even became a licensed cosmetologist so I could play with different art styles on hair, skin, and nails. I’m currently a nail technician for a local nail bar and even work as freelance makeup artist for special occasions. While I love what I do, I’ve always been interested in the world of web design and the creativity behind it, and after Covid-19 decided to make it’s appearance into all of our lives, I decided to take the leap and enroll in a local coding academy to take my creativity skills from the physical world of art and cosmetology, to the virtual world of web development. Below are introductory questions into the world of coding, and my interpretation of the answers to these questions! Read below to see —

  1. ) What excites you about coding? How do you think it can change the world?

Coding is a completely new territory for me, mostly. Through different google searches, Youtube videos, and even a few TikToks, I’ve learned that while coding seems so different from what I’m used to, it really just comes down to combing critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration to create something new. These are all skills that I use on a day to day basis, whether it’s interview potential customers to find out what it is they are wanting for a commissioned art piece, coming up with a useful, wearable, yet unique nail style for my clients, or constantly trying to come up with new concepts for my social media pages — I’m constantly in a situation, where these skills are needed. I can’t wait to translate these into the world of coding and learn how to make something completely new, from a screen and a keyboard. I think coding can change the world, by allowing many minds of different backgrounds, experiences, and cultures to collaborate and bridge gaps, to help create things that bring us all together.

2.) What does “doctype” at the top of your html file do? Why does this need to be specified?

“DOCTYPE” is basically the ambassador for your html file. It tells the web browser what version of markup language your webpage is in before getting into the rest of the file. This needs to be specified or else your webpage won’t be able to be read by that browser, and therefor won’t be able to be seen by everyone else. “DOCTYPE” basically is the person who pulls the curtain before the big show, so the audience can actually see and enjoy.

3.) Explain how a browser determines what HTML Elements match a CSS selector.

The CSS help create an order to things. The browser filters out different elements according to the key selector. It then matches those elements by traversing up its parent elements to determine the matches.

4.) What is the difference between an HTML Element, and an HTML tag?

An element is a set of opening and closing tags. Tags in turn, tell the element when to open and close.

5.) In your own words, explain the Cascade of CSS?

The Cascade is how different styles “fall” from the CSS. How they fall, help determine where they go with in the HTML file and allows multiple style sheets to be used in one HTML document. In turn this allows for an organized and comprehensive way to style a web page.

6.) What are the 3 ways to link CSS to HTML?

The three ways are inline, internal, and external. Inline, is currently my favorite way of linking CSS to HTML. It basically resembles the classic way of taking notes. Where you have your header on top, then you keep on indenting below that header with each subject or talking point. It’s a way of linking one element at a time. Internal is a way of linking things WITHIN the same web page, this basically resembles a path. You’re linking from the inside to the outside. And external is a very simple listing of CSS rules. It CONTAINS no HTML tags, but the link tags are used to link that list of CSS rules to the HTML page.

Alright! This is the end of my answers to beginner coding questions. I enjoyed researching and thinking of these answers, and getting to learn new things for myself too. Thank you so much for reading!

Austin Coding Academy



Baylee Stovall

Current digital artist, nail technician, and makeup artist getting her foot into the door of web development.